A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Friday, September 13, 2013

Temporary Hiatus

Houston, we have a problem

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the month delay in blog posts. My friend Dylan mentioned to me the other day that I hadn't posted in over a month, and I am deeply sorry for that. However, a few things have been going on that I feel I can share with you!

1. I got a new job!!!!!

Huzzah! This might not be news to all of you because I'm pretty sure everyone who reads my blog are friends with me on Facebook, but I'm working on changing that. I'm still going to be working at my college, but instead I will be working at the Library, which is very exciting for me because I'm majoring in library and information sciences, so it's practically like working my dream job. So go me! Feel free to give me a virtual pat on the back. 

2. School has started again!!!!!

Which means I am EXTREMELY busy. I'm taking Accounting, Physical Geology, Finite Math (which is basically algebra on business steroids),  and Marketing. This means all my free time at work is dedicated to trying to understand which accounts are debited and credited, why volcanoes happen, drawing a few parabolas here and there, and also the different marketing mixes. Sadly enough, this means that all my time to drawing cute/funny pictures is used up when I am working on my various studies, but have no fear! I will be drawing again soon. 

3. Someone totaled my slug bug!!!! D: 

Many of you might recall my drawing "Happiness" as suggested by my friend Wendy which had a poorly depicted slug bug which is now ruined. I was hit from behind by a young gentleman who wasn't paying attention and then my bug, in turn, hit the car directly in front of me. Luckily, aside from some minor whiplash on my part, no one was hurt and he is insured. The insurance company and I are currently working out the settlement but this also means on top of starting a new job next week, and my massive piles of homework, I have to find a new car as well. Below are some of my favorite pictures of my bug. 

Here is my bug, temporarily immortalized on Google Maps at my house.

Here's my bug in its favorite parking spot at school. This was always the shadiest spot for my bug to relax after a long drive to school.

Here's my bug, Stanton and I on the first day of owning my bug.That was the happiest day ever.

So I apologize for the delay in posts, I really want to get this blog going, but with the workload from school, the new job and trying to find a car, I simply don't know when I'll be able to get a new drawing up. I do have a some awesome requests like a particular penguin and maybe some plant life waiting to be drawn. I encourage you to send your requests to me as well, because I will get to them one day. 

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