A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Friday, September 27, 2013

Back and Ready for Action!

The Temporary Hiatus has been Temporarily Lifted

First off, Thank you so much to everyone who has patiently been awaiting my return. I wanted to update everyone on the happenings within my life. I still haven't found a replacement vehicle, and I thank my family and my boyfriend for all of their wonderful support, from taking me places to lending me a car. Hopefully my car-less-ness will end today. Wish me luck! 

Secondly, my new job is amazing! I am enamored by the library and the fun things it has to offer. With my new job comes an office. Granted, I share it with 3 (or 4) other people. But during my shift, it's all mine! I can listen to music, study, check Facebook, and best of all, work! I never thought I would find myself enjoying a job at my college, but I haven't had this much fun at work, ever. With my new office comes a new work computer equipped with Windows 7. This means I also have MS Paint 2.0! So not only will I be able to create wonderful images, I'll be able to do it in style! Below is my latest masterpiece.

Lastly, with my new job, new computer, new MS Paint, and hopefully a new car by this evening, I am open for requests! So please email me at MSPaintAtWork@gmail.com with all your wonderful ideas and I'll do my best to recreate them! I have two requests currently lined up that I plan on working on today, so expect another blog post later this morning/Monday morning. Thank you for your support and help. 

Please note the new brush styles, varying from crayon, watercolor brush and calligraphy pen. The possibilities are endless! 

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