A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Classy Penguin with Blue Balloons

But not all of them are blue

My awesome sister, who has been supportive of my blog since day one, requested for me to draw a penguin dressed up in classy attire with blue balloons next to a bonfire. It was strangely specific, but I made sure to cater to her needs. This painting is like a hybrid MS Paint 1.0 and 2.0 piece. 

I started this one ages ago when I was still working at my old job. I had half of it done before things really started to get busy and pick up between school and work. I finally found the time to complete it and I decided I would play around with some of the paint brushes. For the clouds and the tree, I used the new oil brush. And that was the only new one I used. I do like some of the new default colors paint has, it makes it easier for me to diversify the color of the pictures, and then I can save any new colors I create, which I could never have done on MS Paint 1.0. I had a lot of fun drawing this penguin, so thank you Lauren for the idea. 

Please be sure to take the time to check out her webpage and view her wonderful art work. I know, my art is pretty awesome, but Lauren's art is much better than mine. Don't forget to send your requests to MSPaintAtWork@gmail.com

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