A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Emergency Blog Update!

I promised Reddit I would deliver, so I am going to deliver!

If you were not aware of the Reddit community, you will be after today. I decided to see if I could put my new found networking skills to the test since I have completed my business communications class. I went onto Reddit, a public forum site with all sorts of forums such as /r/askReddit or /r/AMA (Ask Me Anything), or /r/airplanes. Pretty much any subject you can think of probably has a sub-reddit. I posted on to /r/AskReddit today and said "What do you want me to draw for you on MS Paint, Reddit?" And I got over 70 requests! That means I have a post for almost every day in the summer! I decided to post the first image requested on the reddit thread which was Kenny Chesney beating up a ground hog with a pool cue. What a tall order for my first request! Then, as the hour ticked by, the requests started to add up, and quickly. I did what I could to reply to every single comment to let them (and me) know their image was going to be drawn. 

So, for tonight only, when I am NOT WORKING, I am going to be posting a few images from the thread as a thanks to Reddit for giving me such wonderful ideas, and hopefully, this will help the image requests continue to roll in! 

So about this Ground Hog

This image was requested by robdeerdick from reddit. Kenny Chesney decided it was time to switch up his tour a bit because he was loosing some of his fan base in cities he didn't visit very often. Kenny Chesney put Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on the map for ground hog day to meet the world famous ground hog himself! Much to his surprise, Kenny Chesney was going to be in the same boat as Bill Murray was when he visited Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Mr. Chesney had to relive the concert over and over again. In this rendition, you can see Kenny Chesney is pretty fed up with Phil the ground hog and decides to beat him with his pool cue. Odds are, Kenny Chesney is going to have to relive this day again. 

There will be two more posts tonight, so stay tuned! If you have a drawing request you can comment below, send your request to my email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com or you can comment on the reddit thread linked above. Thank you robdeerdick for the request! It was a blast to draw and I hope you enjoy it :) 

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