A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Friday, August 2, 2013

Eskimo Joe

And Hi-Ho Not-So Silver

I apologize for not having very many pictures to post. The summer semester started and I'm taking Economics. Which is a really hard class for me, so when I'm not working, I'm usually studying, but I had a lull in work and studying so I have had time to create a few images.

This is Eskimo Joe. He was inspired by my friend John. John and I went to high school together and he was one of my first friends when I got to high school because we rode the bus home together and live in the same neighborhood. Now he is a smarty pants attending Texas A&M (Gig 'Em). You might think Hi-Ho Not-So Silver is familiar looking. That's because I might have copied him from a previous blog post.... However, don't let that make you think I didn't work really hard on this piece because I had to take out all of the rainbows and make sure there wasn't any blue sky behind him. Not-So decided it was a good idea to jump over him, much to Joe's misfortune. He has red mittens so his wife will be able to see him through all the snow. Hopefully Joe wasn't hurt by Not-So's bad jump timing. Thanks John!

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