A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Saturday, July 6, 2013


As graphic as a drawing in paint can be.

My online friend Egan, who lives somewhere in Canada, requested for me to draw an evil magician giraffe. He didn't specify how evil, so I figured I would make him pretty dastardly. I know this breaks one of my rules regarding violent situations, but you have to remember that there aren't very many evil giraffes out there, let alone ones capable of magic. I like the spots the most on my giraffe in this painting. I had trouble trying to figure out how to draw a giraffe, and he is not as successful as my previous hippo, kangaroo, and hamster, but I am pretty dang proud. I am also very fond of his bushy eyebrows. I don't like the person being sawed in half, but the evil was requested, so I delivered. Sorry if it grossed you out, but I had a wonderful time drawing it. Thank you Egan!

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