A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Bad-ass Rainbow Dragon

Now in Technicolor!

Kerry from Texas requested this super awesome Rainbow dragon. This dragon just landed outside of his cave after hunting for leprechauns hiding underneath rainbows. I know that seems so dark, but dragons have to eat too! It's really tough for a rainbow dragon to eat because their diet is restricted to mythical creatures such as leprechauns, mermaids, elves, and pixies if they can catch them.

Now, I didn't think drawing a dragon would require so much skill, but it totally did. I spent probably an hour looking at different kind of dragons trying to figure out what was the best style to use. But even with multiple dragon images for reference, drawing this dragon took an insane amount of time. I was so tired when I finished it, I couldn't possibly draw a background for it. 

That being said, I am really impressed with my dragon drawing capabilities. The scaling technique I used is called the "scaling technique" where I basically draw what I think a scale would look like over and over again. Then I colored in each scale a different shade to get the rainbow effect that Kerry specifically asked for. 

Speaking of Kerry, I want to include a little plug about his fantastic writing skills. He is the author of three, count 'em, Three books! With A Little More Feeling a poetry book, They Say I Missed My Calling a comedy book, and Better Days a motivational book. I encourage you to buy these wonderful reads for yourself and enjoy them - they're in everyone's price range. Kerry is an up-and-coming voice actor and artist, so please feel free to contact him for any commissions at and check out his AMAZING artwork at his Facebook Fan Page: Scribbles, Lines, and Paint (aka S.L.A.P.). Mind you, he is a much better and more talented artist than I am, so don't be afraid to ask for something super awesome like a self portrait or a caricature of a friend.


  1. Don't let him eat my fairies and elves, please.

  2. I can't promise anything! maybe I'll have to draw something that could defeat a rainbow dragon...
