A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ellah's Super Strong Heart

And it's fighting for her, really hard. 

My dear friend, Ellah, is having to fight against her own body. Ellah and I went to high school together and had the same circle of friends. She had a heart transplant when she was very young and has had various health complications throughout her life. She has fought so long and so hard, you can't help but be inspired by her strength, determination, and faith. She is truly a beacon of light in our dark world, and I admire her greatly for her continuation to fight and her continued faith knowing that everything will get better with time. Her body is starting to reject her heart and she is going under intense plasmapheresis treatments to clean out all the bad plasma attacking her heart and replace it with new plasma to help keep her heart strong, to put it simply. I drew this picture for Ellah, not because she asked for it, but because I asked her for inspiration so I can help get the word out about her cause, her strength, and her bravery. 

Often times I feel so small and like such a coward because I take so many things for granted, and I have to remind myself that I've got it good and I can help people with what little I have, be it a quick word in my blog asking people for their support, or dedicating and image for a dear friend in a time of need when I don't have anything else to give. I think if we all gave a little to those who need it most when we have something to give, be it time, money or resources, we should. Please take a quick moment to go like Ellah's facebook page that her family keeps updated for all of her friends and family at www.facebook.com/AThirdChanceForEllah and if you can check out her contribution page to help fund the costly expense of keeping such a strong heart going. 

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