A Quick Word

MS Paint at Work is a blog taking requests from its readers. If you have an idea, Sarah - the writer and artist - will do what she can to realize your idea by using MS Paint as her medium. If you have a wonderful drawing idea, send us an email at MsPaintAtWork@gmail.com

Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Quick Word

Good afternoon all. 

This blog is featuring all the original content that I draw while I'm at my incredibly boring and uneventful job. I work as a student assistant at my school and during the summer there isn't much to do, short of making lists and then having to remake it when my superior decides she doesn't like it anymore. 

Though my job may sound exciting, I really need something to pass the time. Starting back in June, I began taking requests to draw pictures on Microsoft Paint. Since all my computers at work are equipped with Windows XP, I have the original, simplistic, amazingly difficult to master, MS Paint. The Windows Vista (and higher) paint is definitely wonderful, but it truly lacks the finesse that MS Paint on Windows XP utilizes. 

That being said, my drawing skills are somewhat lacking. My sister is an amazing artist going to school and majoring in art education, so feel free to compare my art to hers, and you will see that I am a fairly incompetent creator. When you look at my beautiful creations, please look at them with an open mind and realize that I'm not really an artist, and I'm just using my time at work to draw crappy pictures.

I am open and willing to taking requests, but there are a few guidelines that I would like to stick to: 
  1. I will not draw anything sexual or gross. Whether it is an innuendo, disgusting, or both, I will not draw it. All of these images are seen by grandmothers and neither of them would appreciate seeing sexually explicit drawings.
  2. I try to refrain from drawing anything too violent. If it is violent it has to be a situation regarding impossible circumstances, i.e. a unicorn with a decapitated head on it's horn, a evil magician giraffe sawing someone in half. I like to keep my drawings as fun and friendly as possible and I do not particularly enjoy drawing things that are morbid and dark.
  3. Keep it interesting. If you ask me to draw a portrait of your beautiful-self, I will most likely kindly decline drawing it. My "art" is very unrealistic and I don't want to smash any one's hopes and dreams of a beautiful selfie.  I might oblige, but I cannot make any promises. I also don't like to draw boring scenes. If you ask me to draw something like "a beautiful camping scene" I won't have very much fun drawing it. Not that camping is boring (which it is), it's that the scene itself is plain and too simple. 
  4. Remember that I draw these pictures when I have nothing do to at work. I try not to spend too much time on my computer at home considering I spend 20 hours of my week on a computer drawing on paint, and I like to limit my time to keep it entertaining. Realize that if you request a drawing, it might be  a day or so before you get it. I can only draw so fast, and when I am at work, my job comes first, and even though it is usually a slow day, and I can occupy my time with drawing on paint, sometimes there is work I actually have to do. I appreciate your understanding.
Other than these few guidelines, please feel free to request a drawing from me by sending me an email, and I will see what I can do. I am looking forward to all the requests that will come pouring into my inbox and I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoy drawing them.

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