She's pretty amazing at it!
As many of you know, family is extremely important to me. My great Aunt Pat, also known as Honey, recently had back surgery. She has been on the road to recovery by attending physical therapy. She has continually gotten stronger, which is no surprise to anyone who truly knows her. When I received her request, I was truly honored to be drawing a picture for her! It took me a long time to finally get around to draw the picture, but I'm pretty proud of the results.
Honey requested for a picture of her playing balloon tennis with her physical therapist. I'll have you know drawing people playing tennis is a true challenge. People drawing is pretty hard to begin with but I feel like I did a pretty good job.
Honey has just had another great round of balloon tennis, winning 3-1 in the final round! Her physical therapist, in the green shirt with the dark hair, could not have been more proud and jumped in the air with excitement. Aunt Pat is ecstatic, knowing that one day she will be strong enough to play balloon tennis without her supportive Ninja back vest, pictured on Honey.
I'm so proud of my Aunt Pat for making such a strong recovery. She is truly an inspiration and a wonderful person to look up to.
That's all for today! If you have a drawing request, please feel free to comment below, send it to us on our Facebook Page, Tweet it to us, or Tumblr (is that really a verb?) it to us! Until next time. - Sarah.