First, the class bear
Nick requested this fabulously classy bear to be drawn sitting in a chair. What better way to draw him than enjoying high tea in his tea chair after a long day of being classy? This bear is a retired circus actor named Beary Basselton. He retired when the circus asked him to start working with the clowns. Though the clowns were very respectful clowns, and Beary appreciated their skill set, he did not see himself as a clown and regretfully retired from his post. However, he enjoys his retirement for beautiful days like today because he can watch the day go by while enjoy the wilderness and his tea.
Drawing Beary was extremely difficult, but I feel like I handled it well. Nick had such a fabulous suggestion, I couldn't help but enjoy drawing such a high caliber masterpiece. I would love to spend more time delving into the artistic styles of Beary, but I have two other drawings to talk about!
My first request from Imgur
Imgur is an image hosting website that was created for reddit. It has it's own community that is open, kind, and accepting, much like the reddit community. I have been browsing imgur consistently for about two years, and it provides a lot of entertainment at the end of the day to wind down, and look at some funny/happy/sad/inspiring images before I go to bed. Much like I did with reddit, I called upon imgur for drawing requests, and the people of imgur happily responded! I received about 12 requests from imgur, which isn't as much as what I was given by reddit, but I don't have a specific place to post it on imgur. With hundreds of images being uploaded every minute, its easy for a picture to get lost in the crowd, but over 12 people responded with requests and I would like to finally feature one of them on the blog this afternoon.
Imgur user Thealmightyhandofsweetmothermary requested his stuffed animals Mortimer and Tony the Tiger to be tilting windmills. Many of you might recognize the reference from the book Don Quixote when the honorable Don Quixote mistakes windmills for giants and attempts to fall them. Though the meaning behind the phrase "tilting windmills" has changed, I decided to keep with the original interpretation of the phrase. Thank you Thealmightyhandofsweetmothermary for the great request. I love your stuffed animals, Mortimer and Tony, because they remind me of my very own stuffed bear, Mr. Fuzzums.
Reddit Request of the Day
Because I have received so many requests from reddit, I've decided to post one reddit drawing every time I'm update my blog. It's only fair, we don't want to keep the reddit users waiting for a post. The reddit user waitn2drive requested this image of a horse riding a human! I thought it was a very interesting draw. The miniature-miniature horse would never enjoy the happiness that is having a rider, so he decided it would be fun to try and ride a human to see if the experience would be similar. He was thrilled and his human was happy to satisfy his pet's curiosity. Thank you for the request waitn2drive, I hope you enjoy it!
Social Media Updates
I wanted to let everyone known I have created a facebook page, a twitter account, and a tumblr account for you to receive updates regarding the blog in the easiest way possible! Just go onto any of the aforementioned social media pages, search for MS Paint At Work, and follow/like the page! I'll update all social media outlets every time a new blog is uploaded.
Also! If you frequent Reddit and you want to create/request your own MS Paint Masterpieces, there is now a subreddit community just for that very reason! You can locate the page at You can send out requests and you draw other peoples requests while you're there!
That's all I have for today, but next week on Monday there will be another three images. One from my normal request, one from imgur, and one from reddit! Don't forget to send me any of your drawing requests in the comments, via email, or via one of the social media pages! Have a great weekend!
- S.